If you have eBay auctions with variations, e.g. platform or type, you can assign specific code base, subject and message to it. To do this, go to the Products / eBay / auction list tab, and then select the auction for which you want to configure variations.

After going to the monitoring details, from the right menu select the Variants of auction option. If the variants are not visible in the list, click the sync list of variants with eBay button.

After loading the list of variants, you can assign them specific settings. If:

  1. you do not want the system to send codes / files for a specific variant, click the block sending codes button - transactions will still appear on the list, but the codes / files will not be sent;
  2. if you want to assign a different code base than the one used by the auction monitoring, indicate it in the section "After purchasing this variant by the Customer, send codes from code base";
  3. if you want to assign a different content and subject to the message than the one used by auction monitoring, uncheck the box "send a message with the same subject and content as in the monitoring settings" and fill in the values.