- Download plugin package - automater-plugin.zip.
- Log in to the store's administrative panel and go to the Improvements / Modules tab.
- Click the Load module button at the top right of the page and select the downloaded plug-in file.
- Go to the Installed modules tab or select the Configure button.
- Log in to the Automater.pl system and go to the Settings / settings / API tab.
- If the keys are not generated, click the button Generate new keys.
- Rewrite the API Key and API Secret values to configure the plugin and run it by setting the Status item to Active.
- In the product settings, select the Modules tab and click Configure for the Automater module.
- Select an existing product from the list (if it has no equivalent, it should be created in the Automater panel in the Products / Store / list of products tab).
- That's all - from now on products related to Automater will be sent automatically.
Update of store inventory in the store based on the status of code bases:
Optionally, you can configure the synchronization of inventory in linked products with code databases. To activate this option you need access to CRON and adding the following entry to it:
*/20 * * * * /usr/bin/curl --silent http://store-address.com/modules/automater/cron.php &>/dev/null
In the above command, you should exchange the store-address.com to the address of your store. Adding this command will cause the inventory to be updated every 20 minutes.